Edgar reached out to Julia TWO YEARS before she opened her doors. They met and spoke about his hopes and dreams. Julia told him to come by and observe some of her process when she was baking out of a bakery in Hampstead. Since then, they stayed in touch and Edgar, the most patient employee ever, waited until December of 2022 to receive the “okay” to officially join the team. Julia tasked Edgar to take on the most difficult shift for Julia to let go of… the early morning/opening baking shift. This being Julia’s most difficult (but necessary) part of her job to share speaks volumes of the trust we put in him every day. You may see him in the back of Little Loaf if you come early enough, or you may never see him as he is the earliest on the clock. Edgar starts off the morning bake for the week, every day but Sunday. Without him, you wouldn’t get your bread on-time for the 8 AM opening!

Edgar Santos-Cardenas