Alex came onto the team through two separate recommendations given to Julia. When she joined the team, initially as a barista, the coffee program was simply based off of Julia wanting the best quality coffee with all in-house made syrups. With that said, there wasn’t much of a program at the start! Soon after Alex joined and Julia became aware of her unmatched drive and dedication to running a smooth and successful coffee program, she shortly became the lead of the coffee program and completely streamlined our process at Little Loaf. Because of her, we have a larger menu with more creative options at the best quality possible. Now that she has been with us longer, she has taken on more responsibilities and helps Julia with more than making the coffee program thrive. She runs our social media, does maintenance on our website, organizes all daily orders, helps Julia with errands and bank runs and has taken on a role adjacent to management for the front of house team! She is there almost every day that we are open either helping with coffee, helping a customer, making syrups or doing any and all small tasks that help Julia and the team! If you are a regular, you definitely know her and she probably makes you your favorite cup of coffee!